Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gay Marriage Should NOT Be Legal Essay - 1038 Words

The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage. Is this a good thing? The legalization of gay or lesbian marriage has been a touchy subject for some time now some say it should be and some say that it shouldnt be legal. The subject should not be taken lightly and should require most some serious thought as to which side they choose to be on. Most people have a hard time with this subject because of long term moral debates they have with themselves because maybe they have family members that choose this lifestyle or may actually be considering it themselves. This controversial topic is interesting and usually told from only one perspective. So whether or not people support gay†¦show more content†¦The government was even trying to get a church to let a gay couple adopt one of there kids and the church refused. In addition to the things just talked about the government will gain more power because of exactly the thin gs that were just talked about it will call for more government programs to help with the mess caused by the destruction of the family. This is the last thing that we need is for the government to gain more power that mixed with the legalization of gay marriage will eventually result in the end of america as we know it (land of the free). This is a con in that once legalization of gay marriage comes into play that citizens will lose their freedom of speech. In the way of when they go to speak in general and especially politically they can not discriminate against gays or it would be considered a â€Å"hate speech†. This is definitely infringing on our 1st amendment freedom of speech and is another reason this doesnt need to be legalized. This will make highly religious people and people who speak of their religion freely will be more likely to be considered as bad or as racist for their apparent â€Å"discrimination†. They might even as well be fined for this freedom of speech that we practice today. The idea that is given to homosexual is that it is ok to be this way or that their fine the way they are is totally self destructive towards them. In reality its not, giving them this idea inShow MoreRelatedThe Rights Of Same Sex Marriages By John Baxter And Jeff Forshay Essay1765 Words   |  8 Pagesget married. John Baxter and Jeff Forshay are at the forefront of a fight staged by gay and lesbian activists to get the government to permit same-sex marriages. Activists say this is just part of their hard-fought battle for public acceptance; the movement has gone on for at least twenty years. 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